Services offered
Once you have loaded your Oxigen Wallet, online recharge is a quick two step process. Just use your Oxigen Wallet and do an easy check out.
Mobile Phone
Data Card
Toll Etag or smart card
Bill Payments
Welcome to the club if you dread serpentine queues to pay your bills. With the Oxigen Wallet e-payment service you can make online bill payments in a jiffy.
Postpaid Mobile bills
Landline bills
Electricity bills
Money Transfer
Need to send money urgently? Going Dutch & need to pay a friend for a meal? Need to share your rent with your flat mate? Just use your Oxigen Wallet. Transfer money to any other Oxigen Wallet or to a bank account, instantly. The service is at your fingertips, 24X7, whenever and wherever, at your convenience.
Load Money
Send Money
Withdraw Money